Knowledge-Intensive Enterprise

美 [ˈnɑːlɪdʒ ɪnˈtensɪv ˈentərpraɪz]英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ ɪnˈtensɪv ˈentəpraɪz]
  • 网络知识密集型企业;高智商企业
Knowledge-Intensive EnterpriseKnowledge-Intensive Enterprise
  1. The knowledge-intensive enterprise 's team construction must go through three stages , avoid five erroneous zones .


  2. As knowledge-intensive enterprise , selection and training of talent is the core competitiveness of UFIDA . This paper put forward three measures to develop human resource which are training existing staff , attracting international top talent and inspiring them to superior performance .


  3. The concepts of knowledge economy , knowledge management and knowledge-intensive enterprise are all accepted .


  4. With the development of knowledge economy , knowledge has become source of competitive advantage , especially in knowledge-intensive enterprise .


  5. This paper is mainly about the improvement system of performance management of the BF Company which is a knowledge-intensive enterprise .


  6. Analysis of the structure , the characteristics and the domino effect of reward progressive increase in the knowledge-intensive enterprise


  7. Knowledge management is the inevitable result of economic development . According to data analysis , intellectual capital has accounted for 75 % of the total capital of the knowledge-intensive enterprise .


  8. However , the learned talents with advanced knowledge and high technology are the decisive factor to acquire initiatives in the competitions for knowledge-intensive enterprise as telecommunication enterprises .


  9. Secondly , Kingdee is a knowledge-intensive enterprise , and talent is its lifeblood , the key measures are introducing excellent international talents and retaining existing talents .


  10. The securities industry is a typical knowledge-intensive enterprise , if a company wants to attract the talents , maintain the stability , it 's necessary to ensure the staff has a competitive pay .


  11. At first , this article analyzes content and effect of knowledge and competition in knowledge-intensive enterprise . Then it set forth the conception , constituent element of knowledge competitive intelligence system , and step of establishing system .


  12. As for really advanced knowledge-intensive projects , enterprise tax can be charged at a reduced rate of 15 % .


  13. How to describe and optimize the production system is the key to succeed in production management , and to change from labor-intensive to knowledge-intensive for manufacturing enterprise .
